Saturday 8 February 2014

Chapter 1 This is Skaro

Deep in hyperspace, their is a forbidden planet called Skaro. In the beginning there were two races, the Thals and the Kaleds. A time came when they went to war, eventually the war would turn atomic. The Kaleds not only suffered, but they began to mutate badly. The chief scientist Davros created a travel machine to insure the survival of the Kaled race and so the Dalek was born. Prototypes were tested and more travel machines were created, then one day things went horribly wrong. The Daleks began to evolve minds of their own and eventually they began to see all other life forms that were not Dalek as inferior. They wiped out the Thals until they
were extinct and then they turned against the Kaleds and even Davros. After the fall of Davros, the Thals and the Kaled race the Daleks evolved even farer. Creating more Daleks and build cities, the Dalek race became Skaro's only intelligent civilization. They even built a cinema and made Dalek films and latest film had been made. It was a documentary film called This is Skaro. The Daleks had been awaiting the film with high expectations and now it had finally come out. The Gold Dalek Chief and his two silver drones were getting ready to see it. "I never believed that this day would come". [S1] "Yes it is hard to believe that it has been a year since the Emperor announced this film". [GC] "Why can't this queue get moving? why? Why?WHY"! The second drone was getting impatient. Finally the doors to the theatre opened and the Daleks went in, they settled in after the greeting message the movie started. "There are many planets in the universe and they are all inferior compared to one and that planet is Skaro". "The Daleks have been the supreme beings ever since the genesis war and we have conquered worlds and other universe's". "Enslaving all intelligent species and exterminating all none intelligent creatures"! Our
greatest emeries are the Mechanoids from the inferior
planet known as Mechanus. The Daleks and the Mechanoids have been emeries for centuries, they often say that they will be the ones to defeat us! But eventually we will defeat them"! "There came a time when we resurrected our creator Davros, but when he did he betrayed us and created a false race of Daleks"! "THE IMPERIALS"! "Unlike true Daleks, these creatures have no right to be part of the Dalek race". "They are inferior and must be
exterminated"! "Davros also created a most extraordinary machine that was part Dalek, part cannon". It was called Special Weapons Dalek and it was invincible and could blow away anything"! "The Special Weapons Dalek hasn't been seen since the disappearance of Davros and his Inferior abominations, so it is a mystery". "The Emperor is our true leader of the Daleks and he knows everything". "I know that the Daleks are the true masters of the universe and I know that nothing can stop the Daleks"! "Species may evolve ways to defeat us, but the Daleks will always conquer and destroy because this is Skaro"!

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