Monday 10 February 2014

Chapter 2 No longer on Skaro

The movie had ended and the Daleks were coming out. "Excellent film". [S2] "Yes I was impressed. What did you think Golden Chief"? [S1] "It was satisfactory, not perfect but good". [GC] "I can recommend the film to the Imperials". [S1] "I do not think the Imperials would be impressed". [S2] "If they saw the movie and the way it talked about them, they would start world war 100"! "But I would recommend it to the emperor". [GC] Other Daleks were awaiting to see the film and some over heard the Daleks conversation. "Do not spoil it or you will be exterminated". [DPD] Later that night after a meeting with the supreme
council, the Daleks were doing their duties when one of the silver drones spotted something. "Look at this"! [S1] "What have you discovered"? "Report! Report"! [GC] "It looks like one of those mysterious portals".[S2] Recently strange portals had been appearing all over Skaro and there where stories and rumours about Daleks going into the mysterious portals and have never returned. "They are just stories, I am not convinced, they are just stories". [GC] "But Daleks have recently gone missing, think about it. Maybe the stories are true".[S1] "True!? Do not be so silly! We will go through and will probably return". [GC] So the Daleks went through the portal, one minute they were on Skaro and the next there was a light. The light lasted a couple of seconds and then it died down. The Daleks discovered that the portal had taken them to a strange dream like world. Unlike their home planet Skaro that was a post apocalyptic world, this world was alive. "Where are we"? [S2] "Everything is alive here". [S1] "Do not think we are on Skaro anymore". [GC] "Maybe this is why the Daleks have gone missing". [S1] "Why"? [S2] "Because they are looking for the inhabitants
of this world, so that they can in slave them and return them to Skaro". [S1] "If that is the case, then why is everything still alive"? [GC] Silver drone couldn't think of an answer. The Golden Chief was right, there was no signs of any Dalek aftermaths. "Their is nothing here, come on lets go". [GC] The Daleks were just about to go back through the portal when they heard a mysterious voice. "Why? why? why are intruding on my home"? The Daleks turned and looked round. "Identify yourself"! [GC] "Your kind are not welcome here".
"You are inferior, we are the Daleks"! [S1] "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up"! [S2] "You dare insult me! You shall pay"! The mysterious creature stuck it's hands up, shuck them and through some kind of red power that knocked out the two Daleks. "What have you done"? [GC] "They are not dead, they are just knocked out". "What are you? Who are you? Answer! Answer me"! The creature walked up to the Dalek Chief and it's eyes glowed. The Dalek tried to point his gun up at the creature, but he couldn't move it. In fact he couldn't move at all. "What have you done? I am paralysed! KEEP AWAY FROM ME"!
"EXTERMINATE ! EXTERMINATE ! EXTERMINATE"! [GC] "Hush, calm yourself". All other life forms had cowered and feared to the Daleks, but not this creature. Instead it walked slowly to a Dalek. "No, oh please no"! [GC] When the creature got close enough, it put one of it's hands onto the Daleks gun, then put it's head onto the eye stalk. The Dalek began to scream. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I AM IN PAIN! AAAAAAH"! "I know it hurts, but just calm down and it will be over. Now what do you see"? "I'm I'm I'm seeing. I see". [GC] "Yes, yes you are. Do you see me"? "Yes"! [GC] The Dalek was starting to
see images that no Dalek had
ever seen before. "I see, I see. I see the DEITY'S"! [GC] What the Dalek Chief was seeing were humanoid creatures that where covered in Jewellery and they had four or six arms. They appeared to be dancing madly. Every few seconds there was a hand with an eye flying towards the Daleks vision and even the portal appeared. The creature itself was also present in the visions. When the visions finally stopped the creature now grinning backed off and the Daleks eye stalk was now a blood red colour and not only that, but a blue neck lace like object appeared around the neck bin. "Yes, back in your universe everyone was scared of you. They feared you the same way demons fear me. But in my world the Daleks will listen to me". "Yes". [GC] "For years I have stopped many demons, but when the anomalies opened to Skaro I saw that you dealt with all life forms that are not like
you. So I have a plan". "Yes". [GC] "The Daleks who enter the anomalies have been captured by me and I keep them in a special cave, the demon race is increasing and the Daleks see all life forms as inferior if I am correct"? Yes you are correct". [GC] "So I plan to grow an army of Daleks that will wipe out the demons and I the black one will lead them! but do not worry you will be my first in command. Do we have an agreement"? "Yes we do. I will do anything for you and what ever you tell me and I will obey you. Kali"!


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