Sunday 23 February 2014

Chapter 5 Identify revealed

Eventually the other Cybermen arrived and they had another set of Cybermats, a smaller type. "This is the early type of Cybermat, they are far to small to be hit". [CL75] "Excellent, this time nothing can go wrong". [CL] "Send the Cybermats down". [CL75] "It shall be do". [TPC] So the Cybermats we're sent down to Skaro to spy on the Daleks. Again hidden in the vents, again recording their every move. Dalek Axe had heard about Dalek 84's predicament and was eager to know.
"If something were to happen to you, then what would happen to us"? [RG1] "I do not know, you might be in the same predicament as me and that is in the asylum or they the Emperor will kill me and you will have a new leader. More better, more successful and fitter and stronger". [SD84] "Like me"! [DA] Dalek 84 and his drones turned, Dalek Axe had done it again. Invited himself in, but this time he was alone. "Who sent you here"? [SD84] "I sent myself. Dalek 84 I assume? You are on thin ice if I am correct"? [DA] "I" [SD84] "Yes I thought so, I know, my drones know. Everyone knows"! [DA]
 Dalek 84's eye stalk lowered and looked to the ground, he was still ashamed. Dalek Axe didn't care, he was a very cocky Dalek and his drones were the same. But he had another reason to be cocky. "I saw a Red Dalek Controller in the latest film This Is Skaro, was that you"? [RG2] "I believe that it was me, on the planet Greeze. I may of lost some drones, but at lest I can create many as I want". [DA] Dalek 84's drones were impressed and they secretly hoped that their leaders ice would brake and Dalek Axe would take his place. "They say that you possess a machine and it's no ordinary machine, is this true"? [RG2] Dalek Axe said nothing, he just turned to one of drones and said "Bring it forward and while your at it, get the cage". "I obey". [DxD1] His drone appeared to be his first aid and when it came back, it had two things. One was a cage that had a Dalek Guard within it and the other was something that took the Renegade Daleks by surprise. It was a strange looking machine that was half Dalek, half cannon. "No! It cannot be". [SD84] "That's impossible"! [RG3] "Yes I present the impossible weapon, better known as Special Weapons Dalek"! [DA] "But that belongs to the Imperial Daleks"! [SD84] "It did, but after a long battle with the Imperials. We found it's remains burnt and buried in the aftermath of the war, we took it back
 to my laboratory and we overhauled it. After a lot of tests and experiments, the Special Weapons Dalek is now on the Renegade team and I am it's new master"! [DA] The Daleks were impressed, but at the same time quiet novice of it's presents. Dalek 84 just looked at it with great hatred because he had been at war with the Imperials and Special Weapons Dalek was involved. "How can you be sure that it is under your control"? [SD84] "Yes I made sure". [DA] So Dalek Axe showed off be given Special Weapons orders. "Turn left" [DA] Special Weapons turned left. "Turn right". [DA] Special Weapons turned right. Dalek 84 was kind of impressed himself. "Does it only respond to you". [SD84] "Not just me, but it will take orders from my drones and any other Dalek except the Imperials". [DA] After the attention of the Special Weapons Dalek they turned there attention to the Dalek in the cage. It wasn't doing anything, it seamed to have it's head turned and it was sleep. "Why is this Dalek in a security cage and what is that around it's base"? [SD84] "This Dalek is unique because it is one of the missing Daleks, we found it in the other world". [DA] "Other world"? [SD84]
"Yes, it saw us as a threat and tried to exterminate us. But we got". [DA] "Does it do anything"? [RG1] "No. Unless I speak to it, observe. Awake"! [DA] The Dalek slowly turned it's head towards the others, it slowly mumbled and then it's eye stalk turned blinked on. But it wasn't white like others, instead it was a blood red colour and it begin to speak. "D-D-D-Daleks, Daleks Daleks. You think you are the supreme beings, but you are not"! [PD] "What did you say"? [DA] "I said you are the most inferior species in the universe"! [PD] "HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU CALL US INFERIOR"! [DA]  The Possessed Dalek didn't care that it was being shouted at. "A Dalek betraying it's own kind? most irregular". [CL] The Possessed Dalek in the cage began to laugh and go really mad. "HEHEHE HAHAHA! It's not my fault you are all inferior! Mother told me"! [PD] "Mother"? [DA] "Yes Mother. She told me. But she is not just Mother, she is the black one". [PD] "Black one"? [SD84] "WHO IS SHE"? [DA] The Cybermats listened carefully. "SHE IS THE REAL SUPREME BEING AND SHE WILL DESTROY YOU ALL"! [PD] "WHAT IS HER NAME"?! [DA] The Possessed Dalek lowered it's eye stalk slowly as if it was finished, until it shot it's eye stalk up really high and shouted out even louder than ever "KALI MA"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The moment it shouted the name the lights began to flicker on and off and the Daleks heard a strange horrifying demonic scream like the one they heard the other night when the power cut occurred. "She is coming! The mother of death and destruction is coming to destroy you inferior freaks and free me from this prison! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"! [PD] Dalek Axe had finally had enough. "Special Weapons Dalek, kill it"! [DA] And so Special Weapons Dalek pointed it's cannon at the cage and blow up the Possessed Dalek and the Cybermats and Cybermen saw everything.

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