Sunday 16 February 2014

Chapter 3 Power cut of the Daleks

Back on Skaro at a different part of the Dalek city a group of Renegade Grey Daleks were preparing for their leader because he was being investigated by the Red Supreme Dalek, so they had be on there best behaviour. There leader had been on trial by the supreme council many times. One time they bombed a planet in the northern galaxy, but the planet was already armed and saw the Daleks coming so they got bombed. Another time they created a maze for the Imperials that would drive them mad. But when the Daleks completed it they got lost themselves and due to that, they became mad. Last time was the worst of all, they created a weapon called The Inferior annihilator which was designed to wiped out creatures that are unbeatable. But it was a total disaster because it wipe out the original Dalek city. Every time something on Skaro went wrong the Black Supreme Dalek 84 and his Daleks were behind it, so because of this he was on the edge. The Daleks were doing their final duties unaware that they were been watched by a small silver creature. The creature was a Cybermat. It had been sent by the Cybermen one of the Daleks enemies and it was spying on them, recording their every move. "That's it, remain still and you will be unnoticed". [CL]
 The Renegades unaware of the little silver spy watching from the air vents had seen the movie themselves and while waiting for their leader, they were talking about it. "I would give anything to meet the Dalek who directed that film". [RG1] "I hear that it was the Emperor who made it". [RG2] "No. The Emperor was interviewed in the film, but he did not come up with the idea". [RG3] "So he agreed to be in it". [RG2] "Our leader will be back soon, let us hope that the result will be good this time". [RG1] "Yes he has been in a lot of trouble". [RG3]
 "If he gets in trouble then so do we". [RG2]
"He has the Supreme Dalek with him this time, so we must be on our best behaviour". [RG3] "Agreed". [All Daleks] "Do you think he saw This is Skaro"? [RG1] "Unless we are on a spaceship, how can he see Skaro from the ground"? [RG4] "No I mean the movie". [RG2] The fourth Dalek lowered its eye stalk and joined the other Daleks. "Nothing can go wrong this time". [RG3] The Daleks all began to line up and stand to attention. "We haven't done anything wrong lately". [RG5] "Did you know that the Gold Chief has recently gone missing"? [RG3] "What has that got to do with us, we are Daleks and we are the supreme beings"! [RG1]

As soon as the Dalek said that the most strangest thing happened, the lights began to go out and that was followed by a maniacal laughter that the Daleks had never heard before. "ALERT! ALERT! WHAT IS HAPPENING! ALERT! ALERT! [All Daleks] "Switch your eye stalks to nigh vision and alum your speech indicators". [RG1] "We obey"! [All Daleks] So they did. "Alien life form detected"! [RG3] The Daleks couldn't see their attacker, but they could feel it's presents. One of the Daleks was panicking the most, but trying to show some bravery. "Come on! Show yourself! We are Daleks and we are not afraid"! [RG6]
Just then the Dalek turned and saw something charging out of the darkness with a loud demonic scream. The other Daleks couldn't see but they could hear that one of them was getting attacked. The Dalek was trying to fight the creature, but it was unsuccessful. "My vision is impaired, I cannot see! Help Me HELP ME"! The Dalek was screaming in pain and then it sounded like something was picking him up. "HELP! SAVE ME"! [RG6] A loud bang was heard in the darkness and them came a new noise, it sounded like fire breathing out. As the flames rose the Daleks turned and although still in darkness, they could almost see the creature. It was a tall humanoid creature that had six arms, the Daleks had never seen anything like this before.
"Identify yourself"! [RG1] The creature showed no fear of the Daleks, all it did was stair at them. It's eyes were huge and it's tongue was long and red. "Exterminate"! [All Daleks] The Daleks fired at the creature, but it stuck it's hand up and stopped the Daleks gun shot. Then it snapped it's fingers and a huge light opened up and it ran through it. When the creature was gone the light started striking the Daleks. The Daleks where shouting and screaming and going mental, unaware that their leader and the Red Dalek Supreme where just around the corner. "Now we shall check on your drones, the records are drawl". [RS]
"My Daleks are sensitive". [SD84] "Of course". [RS] "I told them that you would be present and they promised to be on their best behaviour". [SD84] The Renegade Daleks were in such a panic that they completely forgot about the  Supreme Dalek and their leaders trial. When they got there, Supreme Dalek 84 was horrified that his Daleks were going crazy. He tried to make his presents known but the Daleks panic just drowned it out. The Red Supreme Dalek made his presents clear and he boomed "STOP THIS IMEDIATELY"! When they heard that they stood to attention and remained respectfully silent.

The Black Dalek tried to make himself all high and mighty just like the Red Supreme and demanded "What is going on"! "It was the creature that did it, it tried to"...[RG1] "What happened"? [RS] The Supreme Dalek went over to the attacked Dalek which by this point was on fire and dead. "Dalek Supreme 84"! [RS] "What did you do to him"?! [SD84] "It wasn't us, it was the creature. The lights went out and". [RG1] "The lights went out? The lights went out! Why"? [RS] "IT WAS THE CREATURE! THE CREATURE DID IT"! [RG1]
"CALM DOWN! YOU WILL CALM DOWN NOW! OBEY! OBEY"! [RS] "I obey". [RG1] There was a long silence and the Red Supreme Dalek looked around the lab. "What is that"? [RS] "What is what"? [SD84] The Supreme Dalek discovered something that had fallen from the vents. "Is this one of yours"? [RS] He pointed at the object that was also on fire. The Daleks looked at it and they were shocked. "That's not the creature, it was taller than that"! [RG2] "Well this looks like the culprit". [RS] The object on fire was the Cybermat, it too had been struck. The Red Supreme Dalek moved slowly towards the Dalek 84 and said. "I will be reporting to the Emperor and the rest of the supreme council, they will decide your fate". He left leaving Supreme Dalek 84 with a sinking feeling.
 The Daleks had been watched by the Cybermen and when the Cybermat was struck they lost contact. "We did not get a good look at whatever attacked the Daleks" [C1] "The creature seems to be humanoid looking and it took on the Daleks. Whatever it is, it maybe the key to the future of the Cyber race". 

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