Thursday 20 February 2014

Chapter 4 Are the Cybermen to blame?

"That creature appeared to be indestructible". [C1] "If it took down the Daleks, then it could do the same to us. Contact the Cyber Controller". [CL] "Yes leader". [C1] So they contacted their main authoritative leader. "Give your report". [CC] "We have lost contact with the Cybermat". [CL] "This is unacceptable, what happened to the Cybermat"? [CC] "It wasn't spotted, in fact the Daleks did not notice it. There was a power cut and a creature that attacked the Daleks". [CL] "Did you get a good luck at this creature"? [CC] "It appeared to be a tall humanoid creature". [CL] The Cyber Controller paused for a minute. "I will contact the other Cybermen". [CC] "Yes Controller". [CL] "We will survive. We will survive"!
Back on Skaro Supreme Dalek 84's inspection was complete and had been reported to the Emperor Dalek. The result wasn't very good, and a few days later Dalek 84 was contacted by the Emperor. "Dalek 84 what is going on? A power cut occurs and one of  your drones dies! I cannot keep on sending you more drones! This is getting ridicules"! [ED] "Your majesty I wish that I had an answer for you. But all I can say is bad luck". [SD84] "I was so wrong to have as a Supreme Dalek, you should be a drone instead. You are just not fit enough to be a leader"! [ED] "Your majesty please! Give me another chance. I can improve please! Do not send me to the Dalek asylum"! [SD84] "I will talk to the rest of the supreme council, but Dalek 84 I am warning you! You are on very thin ice! Any more incident's and we all know the out come"! [ED] The Renegade Daleks quietly move back, suddenly Supreme Dalek 84 swung round sharply and shouted "YOU IDIOTS! YOU INCOMPETENT IDIOTS! I ORDERED YOU ALL TO BEHAVE BUT I AM NOW ON VERY THIN ICE BECAUSE OF YOU"! "Dalek 84 we told you, it wasn't us it was the creature and"...[RG1] "I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE OF THE CREATURE! MY REPUTATION IS IN GREAT JEOPARDY"! [SD84] The Daleks looked at each other and said nothing known that their leader was in big trouble.
The supreme council were discussing about the future of Dalek 84 and the disappearance of the Daleks. "Dalek 84 is clearly unfit to be leader". [RS] "He is better of as a drone". [SD73] "I hear that the Emperor is going to throw him into the Dalek asylum where all mad or unfit Daleks go". [SD65] "The Emperor should of dumped him into the asylum after the inferior annihilator". [SD64] "Yes it destroyed the original Dalek city".[BD05] "He should of been removed from leadership after that". [RS] "So what is this silver creature"? [PG] "This silver creature is not of Dalek origin, it is of Cyber technology". [RS] "Daleks have gone missing ever since these strange lights appeared all over Skaro". [SD73] "Has anyone of you heard about the Dalek chief"? [SD64] "What about him"? [SD65] "He has gone missing". [SD64] "What have the Cybermen got to do with it? there weakness is gold". [RS] "Maybe they have created new weapons". [BD05] "My partner went through the light and he never came back and he has never been seen since". [PG] The Daleks seem to be in agreement. "The Cybermen are to blame! They must be exterminated"! [RS] "THE CYBERMEN ARE TO BLAME! THEY MUST BE EXTERMINATED"! [All Daleks] "No"! The Dalek leaders were rudely interrupted. "Who invited you in here and who are you"?! [RS] The Daleks turned and saw that a Red Dalek had come out of no where, he wasn't one of the supreme
council members. He was a total stranger. "Allow me to introduce myself, I 'am Dalek Axe or better known as Red Dalek Controller". [DA] "Are you a wear that you are now an intruder"? [SD73] "I was once part of the supreme council". [DA] "But then you played Davros and created your own Daleks and went off conquering other worlds and I took your place"! [RS] "I kept meaning to return but was to busy taking on monsters and other inferior life forms". [DA] "What do you want"? [SD65] "I have returned to Skaro because of these rumours about strange lights and Daleks going missing". [DA] "What do you know"? [SD64] "Well I know that the Cybermen are not responsible for the disappearance of the Daleks. If the Cybermen are behind it all, then why would they destroy a Cybermat"? [DA] The Daleks looked at each other, then the Cybermat and then back at Dalek Axe who by this point was eyeing them. "How do I know? because I and my drones have been through the anomalies and it is not the Cybermen". [DA] "Well Dalek Axe if it's not the Cybermen, then what is behind the light"? [RS] "It is a creature that has captured the Daleks and is responsible for their disappearances. It nearly got me but I escaped, unfortunately I lost some Daleks. But I created more and I brought back one of the missing Daleks". [DA] "You went through and came back with one of the missing Daleks? Where is it"? [SD73] "It's in my lab now if you excuse me, I will be off there now". [DA] And so as quickly as he had appeared he disappeared.

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