Thursday 27 February 2014

Chapter 6 The Quest Begins

After Special Weapons Dalek destroyed the caged up and Possessed Dalek the Daleks were now curious about who the Possessed Dalek was on about. "Kali. Kali. Dalek Axe you have seen many creatures, do you know who this Kali is"? [SD84] "Where we found the Dalek is the same place where we in counted the humanoid creature". [DA] "humanoid Creature"? [SD84] "Yes, tall blue and arms of six. I lost two Daleks, one was destroyed and the other possessed. She nearly got me but I and my surviving drones escaped her". [DA] "How did you escape"? [RG2] "I shot her third eye".[DA] The Daleks turned to the Dalek factor for information of Kali and the Deity race.
 "The Deities are a race not of this universe,
they are from a different dimension called Shanqur. The only way to enter Shanqur is through anomalies that are only planet on the inferior planet unknown as Earth and in the land of India. The Deities would take the forms of humans, enter the anomalies and tell the humans of India stories of the Gods". [DF] "Who is the ruler of this world"? [DA] "The ruler has three forms. When he creates, he is Brahma. When he protects, he is Vishnu and when he brings destruction, he is Shiva the destroyer". [DF] "What about this Kali"? [DA] "To the human race Kali is known as the Goddess of death and destruction, but she is known as Super
Vampire. She is highly intelligent, fast and agile. She battles demons who threating the universe and she kills them, she drinks their blood. She is responsible for the disappearance of the Daleks and the Super Vampires and the Deities of Shanqur are the supreme beings". [DF] The Dalek were outraged when the heard this. "WHAT! HUMANOID CREATURES ARE NOT THE SUPREME BEINGS! WE ARE"! [DA] "The Deities are the ultimate supreme beings in their universe, but the one thing that they have that the Daleks do not have and is emotions". [DF]
The Daleks were not pleased of the fact that there was a another creature that was also supreme like them. "Kali must be brought down here"! [DxD2] "How can we get her? she is from another dimension". [SD84] "We have a machine that can open up to other dimensions". [DxD3] "We all go through the anomalies and capture the black one. KALI AND THE DEITIES MUST BE EXTERMINATED"! [DA] "EXTERMINATE!EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE"! [All Daleks] The Cybermats had seen everything and they went back to the Cybermen who in turn had seen everything. "The Deity Kali has Daleks coming after her, we must get to her first". [CL] "To warn her"? [C2] "Of course not, the Cyber race is to perish out of existence because of these constant wars and the Deities are indestructible. Kali has defeated many demons, so if we get her. She will be converted into this". [CL75] "What is that abomination"? [CL] "This is what Kali will become when we capture her before the Daleks do, I call it the Cyber Slayer. This is no ordinary Cyberman, it is special. It is a super Cyberman and it will blow away all our enemies and send millions to the conversion chambers. It is indestructible, it will destroy the Daleks and it is gold proof". [CL75] "Excellent"! [CL] The Cybermen to had a machine that could open the anomaly that lead to Shanqur. "It is our mission to capture the Deity before the Daleks get her and once Kali is converted into the Cyber Slayer, the Cybermen will be unstoppable. Power and glory of the Cyber race! The Cybermen will survive"! [CL75] "WE WILL SURVIVE! WE WILL SURVIVE"! [All Cybermen]
"Now lets go and capture the black one before the Daleks do"! [CL] The Cybermen began their quest through an anomaly that they opened for themselves.
The Daleks were on Skaro and the next they went through the anomaly and where in another world.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Chapter 5 Identify revealed

Eventually the other Cybermen arrived and they had another set of Cybermats, a smaller type. "This is the early type of Cybermat, they are far to small to be hit". [CL75] "Excellent, this time nothing can go wrong". [CL] "Send the Cybermats down". [CL75] "It shall be do". [TPC] So the Cybermats we're sent down to Skaro to spy on the Daleks. Again hidden in the vents, again recording their every move. Dalek Axe had heard about Dalek 84's predicament and was eager to know.
"If something were to happen to you, then what would happen to us"? [RG1] "I do not know, you might be in the same predicament as me and that is in the asylum or they the Emperor will kill me and you will have a new leader. More better, more successful and fitter and stronger". [SD84] "Like me"! [DA] Dalek 84 and his drones turned, Dalek Axe had done it again. Invited himself in, but this time he was alone. "Who sent you here"? [SD84] "I sent myself. Dalek 84 I assume? You are on thin ice if I am correct"? [DA] "I" [SD84] "Yes I thought so, I know, my drones know. Everyone knows"! [DA]
 Dalek 84's eye stalk lowered and looked to the ground, he was still ashamed. Dalek Axe didn't care, he was a very cocky Dalek and his drones were the same. But he had another reason to be cocky. "I saw a Red Dalek Controller in the latest film This Is Skaro, was that you"? [RG2] "I believe that it was me, on the planet Greeze. I may of lost some drones, but at lest I can create many as I want". [DA] Dalek 84's drones were impressed and they secretly hoped that their leaders ice would brake and Dalek Axe would take his place. "They say that you possess a machine and it's no ordinary machine, is this true"? [RG2] Dalek Axe said nothing, he just turned to one of drones and said "Bring it forward and while your at it, get the cage". "I obey". [DxD1] His drone appeared to be his first aid and when it came back, it had two things. One was a cage that had a Dalek Guard within it and the other was something that took the Renegade Daleks by surprise. It was a strange looking machine that was half Dalek, half cannon. "No! It cannot be". [SD84] "That's impossible"! [RG3] "Yes I present the impossible weapon, better known as Special Weapons Dalek"! [DA] "But that belongs to the Imperial Daleks"! [SD84] "It did, but after a long battle with the Imperials. We found it's remains burnt and buried in the aftermath of the war, we took it back
 to my laboratory and we overhauled it. After a lot of tests and experiments, the Special Weapons Dalek is now on the Renegade team and I am it's new master"! [DA] The Daleks were impressed, but at the same time quiet novice of it's presents. Dalek 84 just looked at it with great hatred because he had been at war with the Imperials and Special Weapons Dalek was involved. "How can you be sure that it is under your control"? [SD84] "Yes I made sure". [DA] So Dalek Axe showed off be given Special Weapons orders. "Turn left" [DA] Special Weapons turned left. "Turn right". [DA] Special Weapons turned right. Dalek 84 was kind of impressed himself. "Does it only respond to you". [SD84] "Not just me, but it will take orders from my drones and any other Dalek except the Imperials". [DA] After the attention of the Special Weapons Dalek they turned there attention to the Dalek in the cage. It wasn't doing anything, it seamed to have it's head turned and it was sleep. "Why is this Dalek in a security cage and what is that around it's base"? [SD84] "This Dalek is unique because it is one of the missing Daleks, we found it in the other world". [DA] "Other world"? [SD84]
"Yes, it saw us as a threat and tried to exterminate us. But we got". [DA] "Does it do anything"? [RG1] "No. Unless I speak to it, observe. Awake"! [DA] The Dalek slowly turned it's head towards the others, it slowly mumbled and then it's eye stalk turned blinked on. But it wasn't white like others, instead it was a blood red colour and it begin to speak. "D-D-D-Daleks, Daleks Daleks. You think you are the supreme beings, but you are not"! [PD] "What did you say"? [DA] "I said you are the most inferior species in the universe"! [PD] "HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU CALL US INFERIOR"! [DA]  The Possessed Dalek didn't care that it was being shouted at. "A Dalek betraying it's own kind? most irregular". [CL] The Possessed Dalek in the cage began to laugh and go really mad. "HEHEHE HAHAHA! It's not my fault you are all inferior! Mother told me"! [PD] "Mother"? [DA] "Yes Mother. She told me. But she is not just Mother, she is the black one". [PD] "Black one"? [SD84] "WHO IS SHE"? [DA] The Cybermats listened carefully. "SHE IS THE REAL SUPREME BEING AND SHE WILL DESTROY YOU ALL"! [PD] "WHAT IS HER NAME"?! [DA] The Possessed Dalek lowered it's eye stalk slowly as if it was finished, until it shot it's eye stalk up really high and shouted out even louder than ever "KALI MA"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The moment it shouted the name the lights began to flicker on and off and the Daleks heard a strange horrifying demonic scream like the one they heard the other night when the power cut occurred. "She is coming! The mother of death and destruction is coming to destroy you inferior freaks and free me from this prison! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"! [PD] Dalek Axe had finally had enough. "Special Weapons Dalek, kill it"! [DA] And so Special Weapons Dalek pointed it's cannon at the cage and blow up the Possessed Dalek and the Cybermats and Cybermen saw everything.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Chapter 4 Are the Cybermen to blame?

"That creature appeared to be indestructible". [C1] "If it took down the Daleks, then it could do the same to us. Contact the Cyber Controller". [CL] "Yes leader". [C1] So they contacted their main authoritative leader. "Give your report". [CC] "We have lost contact with the Cybermat". [CL] "This is unacceptable, what happened to the Cybermat"? [CC] "It wasn't spotted, in fact the Daleks did not notice it. There was a power cut and a creature that attacked the Daleks". [CL] "Did you get a good luck at this creature"? [CC] "It appeared to be a tall humanoid creature". [CL] The Cyber Controller paused for a minute. "I will contact the other Cybermen". [CC] "Yes Controller". [CL] "We will survive. We will survive"!
Back on Skaro Supreme Dalek 84's inspection was complete and had been reported to the Emperor Dalek. The result wasn't very good, and a few days later Dalek 84 was contacted by the Emperor. "Dalek 84 what is going on? A power cut occurs and one of  your drones dies! I cannot keep on sending you more drones! This is getting ridicules"! [ED] "Your majesty I wish that I had an answer for you. But all I can say is bad luck". [SD84] "I was so wrong to have as a Supreme Dalek, you should be a drone instead. You are just not fit enough to be a leader"! [ED] "Your majesty please! Give me another chance. I can improve please! Do not send me to the Dalek asylum"! [SD84] "I will talk to the rest of the supreme council, but Dalek 84 I am warning you! You are on very thin ice! Any more incident's and we all know the out come"! [ED] The Renegade Daleks quietly move back, suddenly Supreme Dalek 84 swung round sharply and shouted "YOU IDIOTS! YOU INCOMPETENT IDIOTS! I ORDERED YOU ALL TO BEHAVE BUT I AM NOW ON VERY THIN ICE BECAUSE OF YOU"! "Dalek 84 we told you, it wasn't us it was the creature and"...[RG1] "I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE OF THE CREATURE! MY REPUTATION IS IN GREAT JEOPARDY"! [SD84] The Daleks looked at each other and said nothing known that their leader was in big trouble.
The supreme council were discussing about the future of Dalek 84 and the disappearance of the Daleks. "Dalek 84 is clearly unfit to be leader". [RS] "He is better of as a drone". [SD73] "I hear that the Emperor is going to throw him into the Dalek asylum where all mad or unfit Daleks go". [SD65] "The Emperor should of dumped him into the asylum after the inferior annihilator". [SD64] "Yes it destroyed the original Dalek city".[BD05] "He should of been removed from leadership after that". [RS] "So what is this silver creature"? [PG] "This silver creature is not of Dalek origin, it is of Cyber technology". [RS] "Daleks have gone missing ever since these strange lights appeared all over Skaro". [SD73] "Has anyone of you heard about the Dalek chief"? [SD64] "What about him"? [SD65] "He has gone missing". [SD64] "What have the Cybermen got to do with it? there weakness is gold". [RS] "Maybe they have created new weapons". [BD05] "My partner went through the light and he never came back and he has never been seen since". [PG] The Daleks seem to be in agreement. "The Cybermen are to blame! They must be exterminated"! [RS] "THE CYBERMEN ARE TO BLAME! THEY MUST BE EXTERMINATED"! [All Daleks] "No"! The Dalek leaders were rudely interrupted. "Who invited you in here and who are you"?! [RS] The Daleks turned and saw that a Red Dalek had come out of no where, he wasn't one of the supreme
council members. He was a total stranger. "Allow me to introduce myself, I 'am Dalek Axe or better known as Red Dalek Controller". [DA] "Are you a wear that you are now an intruder"? [SD73] "I was once part of the supreme council". [DA] "But then you played Davros and created your own Daleks and went off conquering other worlds and I took your place"! [RS] "I kept meaning to return but was to busy taking on monsters and other inferior life forms". [DA] "What do you want"? [SD65] "I have returned to Skaro because of these rumours about strange lights and Daleks going missing". [DA] "What do you know"? [SD64] "Well I know that the Cybermen are not responsible for the disappearance of the Daleks. If the Cybermen are behind it all, then why would they destroy a Cybermat"? [DA] The Daleks looked at each other, then the Cybermat and then back at Dalek Axe who by this point was eyeing them. "How do I know? because I and my drones have been through the anomalies and it is not the Cybermen". [DA] "Well Dalek Axe if it's not the Cybermen, then what is behind the light"? [RS] "It is a creature that has captured the Daleks and is responsible for their disappearances. It nearly got me but I escaped, unfortunately I lost some Daleks. But I created more and I brought back one of the missing Daleks". [DA] "You went through and came back with one of the missing Daleks? Where is it"? [SD73] "It's in my lab now if you excuse me, I will be off there now". [DA] And so as quickly as he had appeared he disappeared.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Chapter 3 Power cut of the Daleks

Back on Skaro at a different part of the Dalek city a group of Renegade Grey Daleks were preparing for their leader because he was being investigated by the Red Supreme Dalek, so they had be on there best behaviour. There leader had been on trial by the supreme council many times. One time they bombed a planet in the northern galaxy, but the planet was already armed and saw the Daleks coming so they got bombed. Another time they created a maze for the Imperials that would drive them mad. But when the Daleks completed it they got lost themselves and due to that, they became mad. Last time was the worst of all, they created a weapon called The Inferior annihilator which was designed to wiped out creatures that are unbeatable. But it was a total disaster because it wipe out the original Dalek city. Every time something on Skaro went wrong the Black Supreme Dalek 84 and his Daleks were behind it, so because of this he was on the edge. The Daleks were doing their final duties unaware that they were been watched by a small silver creature. The creature was a Cybermat. It had been sent by the Cybermen one of the Daleks enemies and it was spying on them, recording their every move. "That's it, remain still and you will be unnoticed". [CL]
 The Renegades unaware of the little silver spy watching from the air vents had seen the movie themselves and while waiting for their leader, they were talking about it. "I would give anything to meet the Dalek who directed that film". [RG1] "I hear that it was the Emperor who made it". [RG2] "No. The Emperor was interviewed in the film, but he did not come up with the idea". [RG3] "So he agreed to be in it". [RG2] "Our leader will be back soon, let us hope that the result will be good this time". [RG1] "Yes he has been in a lot of trouble". [RG3]
 "If he gets in trouble then so do we". [RG2]
"He has the Supreme Dalek with him this time, so we must be on our best behaviour". [RG3] "Agreed". [All Daleks] "Do you think he saw This is Skaro"? [RG1] "Unless we are on a spaceship, how can he see Skaro from the ground"? [RG4] "No I mean the movie". [RG2] The fourth Dalek lowered its eye stalk and joined the other Daleks. "Nothing can go wrong this time". [RG3] The Daleks all began to line up and stand to attention. "We haven't done anything wrong lately". [RG5] "Did you know that the Gold Chief has recently gone missing"? [RG3] "What has that got to do with us, we are Daleks and we are the supreme beings"! [RG1]

As soon as the Dalek said that the most strangest thing happened, the lights began to go out and that was followed by a maniacal laughter that the Daleks had never heard before. "ALERT! ALERT! WHAT IS HAPPENING! ALERT! ALERT! [All Daleks] "Switch your eye stalks to nigh vision and alum your speech indicators". [RG1] "We obey"! [All Daleks] So they did. "Alien life form detected"! [RG3] The Daleks couldn't see their attacker, but they could feel it's presents. One of the Daleks was panicking the most, but trying to show some bravery. "Come on! Show yourself! We are Daleks and we are not afraid"! [RG6]
Just then the Dalek turned and saw something charging out of the darkness with a loud demonic scream. The other Daleks couldn't see but they could hear that one of them was getting attacked. The Dalek was trying to fight the creature, but it was unsuccessful. "My vision is impaired, I cannot see! Help Me HELP ME"! The Dalek was screaming in pain and then it sounded like something was picking him up. "HELP! SAVE ME"! [RG6] A loud bang was heard in the darkness and them came a new noise, it sounded like fire breathing out. As the flames rose the Daleks turned and although still in darkness, they could almost see the creature. It was a tall humanoid creature that had six arms, the Daleks had never seen anything like this before.
"Identify yourself"! [RG1] The creature showed no fear of the Daleks, all it did was stair at them. It's eyes were huge and it's tongue was long and red. "Exterminate"! [All Daleks] The Daleks fired at the creature, but it stuck it's hand up and stopped the Daleks gun shot. Then it snapped it's fingers and a huge light opened up and it ran through it. When the creature was gone the light started striking the Daleks. The Daleks where shouting and screaming and going mental, unaware that their leader and the Red Dalek Supreme where just around the corner. "Now we shall check on your drones, the records are drawl". [RS]
"My Daleks are sensitive". [SD84] "Of course". [RS] "I told them that you would be present and they promised to be on their best behaviour". [SD84] The Renegade Daleks were in such a panic that they completely forgot about the  Supreme Dalek and their leaders trial. When they got there, Supreme Dalek 84 was horrified that his Daleks were going crazy. He tried to make his presents known but the Daleks panic just drowned it out. The Red Supreme Dalek made his presents clear and he boomed "STOP THIS IMEDIATELY"! When they heard that they stood to attention and remained respectfully silent.

The Black Dalek tried to make himself all high and mighty just like the Red Supreme and demanded "What is going on"! "It was the creature that did it, it tried to"...[RG1] "What happened"? [RS] The Supreme Dalek went over to the attacked Dalek which by this point was on fire and dead. "Dalek Supreme 84"! [RS] "What did you do to him"?! [SD84] "It wasn't us, it was the creature. The lights went out and". [RG1] "The lights went out? The lights went out! Why"? [RS] "IT WAS THE CREATURE! THE CREATURE DID IT"! [RG1]
"CALM DOWN! YOU WILL CALM DOWN NOW! OBEY! OBEY"! [RS] "I obey". [RG1] There was a long silence and the Red Supreme Dalek looked around the lab. "What is that"? [RS] "What is what"? [SD84] The Supreme Dalek discovered something that had fallen from the vents. "Is this one of yours"? [RS] He pointed at the object that was also on fire. The Daleks looked at it and they were shocked. "That's not the creature, it was taller than that"! [RG2] "Well this looks like the culprit". [RS] The object on fire was the Cybermat, it too had been struck. The Red Supreme Dalek moved slowly towards the Dalek 84 and said. "I will be reporting to the Emperor and the rest of the supreme council, they will decide your fate". He left leaving Supreme Dalek 84 with a sinking feeling.
 The Daleks had been watched by the Cybermen and when the Cybermat was struck they lost contact. "We did not get a good look at whatever attacked the Daleks" [C1] "The creature seems to be humanoid looking and it took on the Daleks. Whatever it is, it maybe the key to the future of the Cyber race". 

Monday 10 February 2014

Chapter 2 No longer on Skaro

The movie had ended and the Daleks were coming out. "Excellent film". [S2] "Yes I was impressed. What did you think Golden Chief"? [S1] "It was satisfactory, not perfect but good". [GC] "I can recommend the film to the Imperials". [S1] "I do not think the Imperials would be impressed". [S2] "If they saw the movie and the way it talked about them, they would start world war 100"! "But I would recommend it to the emperor". [GC] Other Daleks were awaiting to see the film and some over heard the Daleks conversation. "Do not spoil it or you will be exterminated". [DPD] Later that night after a meeting with the supreme
council, the Daleks were doing their duties when one of the silver drones spotted something. "Look at this"! [S1] "What have you discovered"? "Report! Report"! [GC] "It looks like one of those mysterious portals".[S2] Recently strange portals had been appearing all over Skaro and there where stories and rumours about Daleks going into the mysterious portals and have never returned. "They are just stories, I am not convinced, they are just stories". [GC] "But Daleks have recently gone missing, think about it. Maybe the stories are true".[S1] "True!? Do not be so silly! We will go through and will probably return". [GC] So the Daleks went through the portal, one minute they were on Skaro and the next there was a light. The light lasted a couple of seconds and then it died down. The Daleks discovered that the portal had taken them to a strange dream like world. Unlike their home planet Skaro that was a post apocalyptic world, this world was alive. "Where are we"? [S2] "Everything is alive here". [S1] "Do not think we are on Skaro anymore". [GC] "Maybe this is why the Daleks have gone missing". [S1] "Why"? [S2] "Because they are looking for the inhabitants
of this world, so that they can in slave them and return them to Skaro". [S1] "If that is the case, then why is everything still alive"? [GC] Silver drone couldn't think of an answer. The Golden Chief was right, there was no signs of any Dalek aftermaths. "Their is nothing here, come on lets go". [GC] The Daleks were just about to go back through the portal when they heard a mysterious voice. "Why? why? why are intruding on my home"? The Daleks turned and looked round. "Identify yourself"! [GC] "Your kind are not welcome here".
"You are inferior, we are the Daleks"! [S1] "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up"! [S2] "You dare insult me! You shall pay"! The mysterious creature stuck it's hands up, shuck them and through some kind of red power that knocked out the two Daleks. "What have you done"? [GC] "They are not dead, they are just knocked out". "What are you? Who are you? Answer! Answer me"! The creature walked up to the Dalek Chief and it's eyes glowed. The Dalek tried to point his gun up at the creature, but he couldn't move it. In fact he couldn't move at all. "What have you done? I am paralysed! KEEP AWAY FROM ME"!
"EXTERMINATE ! EXTERMINATE ! EXTERMINATE"! [GC] "Hush, calm yourself". All other life forms had cowered and feared to the Daleks, but not this creature. Instead it walked slowly to a Dalek. "No, oh please no"! [GC] When the creature got close enough, it put one of it's hands onto the Daleks gun, then put it's head onto the eye stalk. The Dalek began to scream. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I AM IN PAIN! AAAAAAH"! "I know it hurts, but just calm down and it will be over. Now what do you see"? "I'm I'm I'm seeing. I see". [GC] "Yes, yes you are. Do you see me"? "Yes"! [GC] The Dalek was starting to
see images that no Dalek had
ever seen before. "I see, I see. I see the DEITY'S"! [GC] What the Dalek Chief was seeing were humanoid creatures that where covered in Jewellery and they had four or six arms. They appeared to be dancing madly. Every few seconds there was a hand with an eye flying towards the Daleks vision and even the portal appeared. The creature itself was also present in the visions. When the visions finally stopped the creature now grinning backed off and the Daleks eye stalk was now a blood red colour and not only that, but a blue neck lace like object appeared around the neck bin. "Yes, back in your universe everyone was scared of you. They feared you the same way demons fear me. But in my world the Daleks will listen to me". "Yes". [GC] "For years I have stopped many demons, but when the anomalies opened to Skaro I saw that you dealt with all life forms that are not like
you. So I have a plan". "Yes". [GC] "The Daleks who enter the anomalies have been captured by me and I keep them in a special cave, the demon race is increasing and the Daleks see all life forms as inferior if I am correct"? Yes you are correct". [GC] "So I plan to grow an army of Daleks that will wipe out the demons and I the black one will lead them! but do not worry you will be my first in command. Do we have an agreement"? "Yes we do. I will do anything for you and what ever you tell me and I will obey you. Kali"!


Saturday 8 February 2014

Chapter 1 This is Skaro

Deep in hyperspace, their is a forbidden planet called Skaro. In the beginning there were two races, the Thals and the Kaleds. A time came when they went to war, eventually the war would turn atomic. The Kaleds not only suffered, but they began to mutate badly. The chief scientist Davros created a travel machine to insure the survival of the Kaled race and so the Dalek was born. Prototypes were tested and more travel machines were created, then one day things went horribly wrong. The Daleks began to evolve minds of their own and eventually they began to see all other life forms that were not Dalek as inferior. They wiped out the Thals until they
were extinct and then they turned against the Kaleds and even Davros. After the fall of Davros, the Thals and the Kaled race the Daleks evolved even farer. Creating more Daleks and build cities, the Dalek race became Skaro's only intelligent civilization. They even built a cinema and made Dalek films and latest film had been made. It was a documentary film called This is Skaro. The Daleks had been awaiting the film with high expectations and now it had finally come out. The Gold Dalek Chief and his two silver drones were getting ready to see it. "I never believed that this day would come". [S1] "Yes it is hard to believe that it has been a year since the Emperor announced this film". [GC] "Why can't this queue get moving? why? Why?WHY"! The second drone was getting impatient. Finally the doors to the theatre opened and the Daleks went in, they settled in after the greeting message the movie started. "There are many planets in the universe and they are all inferior compared to one and that planet is Skaro". "The Daleks have been the supreme beings ever since the genesis war and we have conquered worlds and other universe's". "Enslaving all intelligent species and exterminating all none intelligent creatures"! Our
greatest emeries are the Mechanoids from the inferior
planet known as Mechanus. The Daleks and the Mechanoids have been emeries for centuries, they often say that they will be the ones to defeat us! But eventually we will defeat them"! "There came a time when we resurrected our creator Davros, but when he did he betrayed us and created a false race of Daleks"! "THE IMPERIALS"! "Unlike true Daleks, these creatures have no right to be part of the Dalek race". "They are inferior and must be
exterminated"! "Davros also created a most extraordinary machine that was part Dalek, part cannon". It was called Special Weapons Dalek and it was invincible and could blow away anything"! "The Special Weapons Dalek hasn't been seen since the disappearance of Davros and his Inferior abominations, so it is a mystery". "The Emperor is our true leader of the Daleks and he knows everything". "I know that the Daleks are the true masters of the universe and I know that nothing can stop the Daleks"! "Species may evolve ways to defeat us, but the Daleks will always conquer and destroy because this is Skaro"!