Saturday 29 March 2014

Chapter 8 Daleks vs Cybermen

Dalek Axe and his team went down into the depths of the cave. The Daleks looked around and were keeping a sharp look out for the Deity. They felt something that no Dalek should ever feel, they felt hot real hot. "What is going on?" [RG1] "Warm. It's so warm! Dalek Axe why is it so warm?" [RG2] "Last time we were here, we did not cover all of this world." [DA] They could see steam rising from cracks in the ground. "HALT!" [DA] The Daleks could feel the presence of another creature, not one but more. They pointed their guns at the site of come creatures coming around the corner, it was the Cybermen.
"Dalek Axe." [CL75] "We meet again Cyber leader." [DA] "The Cyber race is disintegrating because of you!" [CL75] "The Daleks are the ultimate supreme beings in the universe!" [DA] "Careful because this universe is ruled by gods and they see themselves as the supreme beings, so if you shouted that out loud they would be after you." [CL75] "I'm not afraid of them. Like I'm not afraid of you! EXTERMINATE"! [DA] The Cyber leader got out of the way and it was the Cyberman behind the Cyber leader who got shot. The Daleks and Cybermen started fighting with each other. "The Cyber race will survive! The Deity will be ours and when she becomes Cyber Slayer she will destroy you all!" [CL75] "The Deity will be ours! We will brain wash her and she will be just like us!" [DA] The fight turned lethal and deadly. One of the Daleks had his gun ripped off by the Moonbase Cyberman and got blasted. As the Daleks and Cybermen fort against one another the steaming cracks began to

get hotter and hotter until fire came breathing out. Two Cybermen threatened Special Weapons Dalek which was a big mistake, it aimed it's cannon at the two Cybermen and fiberized them. As it did the cave began to shack and the cracks got even bigger and in their place were pools of lava. "Do not go anywhere never the red pits! Draw the Cybermen to the pits!" [DA] "Keep away from the pits! push the Daleks into the lava!" [CL75] A new crack appeared, not on the ground but on the wall and it got bigger and bigger. When it was huge nothing happen, until the crack exploded. There was a black cloud in the cracks place. The Daleks and Cybermen looked at the cloud as it disappeared leaving a strange shape that seemed to be very wide, the
cloud cleared revealing an army of Possessed Daleks. One of the Possessed Daleks seemed to be burned, there was a bit of steam rising from it's base under the dome and when it spoke. It's speech indicators did not flash like the other Daleks, but instead there was some kind of effect the looked like lava bubbling. When the Dalek spoke it didn't sound normal, it sounded more volcanic and burning. "INTRUDERS! INTRUDERS THEY MUST BE DESTROYED MY BROTHERS! INCINERATE! [VPD]
"Stay where you are!" [DA] The Possessed Daleks charged at the Daleks and Cybermen who by this point had turned the cave into a volcanic zone. It was unfortunate for one of the Possessed Daleks because as soon as it got down there it was grabbed by two Cybermen and they began to resell the Dalek. "Release me! Release me! Mother will destroy you all! RELEASE ME! RELEASE ME!" [PD] It was a mighty tackle with the Dalek as it tried to set itself free, but for the Dalek it was no good. The Cybermen had more power and they through the Possessed Dalek into the lava.
The Cybermen could not take on the Volcanic Dalek, it didn't shot out lasers but instead it blasted fire. "INCINERATE! INCINERATE!"  [VPD] Any Cybermen that got burned were forced into the lava by the Volcanic Dalek. "You are not welcome here. You will be incinerate!" [VPD] One of the Cybermen attempted to take on the Volcanic Dalek. "You are the abomination! You must be destroyed!" [Cyberman] "You dare insult me? The Deity will wipe you out! INCINERATE!" VPD] And so the Dalek burned the Cyberman and forced him into the lava. A Possessed Dalek saw everything and took a shot at the spot where the Cyberman fell into the lava. "Mother will be pleased with us."[PD] "We are her children and all her enemies' will be burned alive."[VPD] Then another Cyberman came charging out of the steam and ran towards the Volcanic Dalek, but Daleks got out of it's way and the Cyberman ran straight into the lava. "I am the great incinerator"! [VPD] The Possessed Dalek went off to take on the other Cybermen and normal Daleks. The Volcanic Dalek turned and came face to face with Dalek Axe. "Trader! I always hated you! You made me into this!"[VPD] "It was your own fault. I told you not to wonder off, you disobeyed me! Now you will pay! PAY! PAY! PAY! [DA]
"You abandoned me and left me to die, but then Mother came and turned me into something special. Now I am the ultimate creature in the universe and all will fall before my might!"  [VPD] "No! the real trader is you! YOU HAVE BE TRADE THE DALEKS AND MUST BE EXTERMINATED!" [DA] "You will burn like the Cybermen! INCINERATE!" [VPD] Dalek Axe and the Volcanic Dalek battled as the lava erupted violently. Another Possessed Dalek came onto the scene and attempted to blow Dalek Axe away. Dalek Axe pointed his gun at the Volcanic Dalek again and ended the fiery abomination. "This is the true power of the Daleks! EXTERMINATE!" [DA] The Volcanic Dalek screamed and blow up, but what came out of the Dalek if it was a Dalek wasn't the remains of the Kaled mutant. Instead it erupted lava that burst from it's casing and the Volcanic Dalek melted and was no more. "VICTORY! VICTORY! VICTORY!" [DA] But his triumph was short left. "You have destroyed that Dalek and you have wiped out my army. I congratulate you Dalek Axe." [CL75] "The Daleks and Cybermen do not mix together, you are not the
last of your kind but soon the Cybermen will be distant memory. [DA] "The Cyber race will survive and the Dalek race will fall under the might of the up coming Cyber Slayer!" [CL75] "Going on! Destroy me the GREAT Dalek Axe! I am not afraid!" [DA] The Cyber Leader was just about to make his move on Dalek Axe, when suddenly two gold swards burst throw his chest unit and punctured him. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
[CL75] Then he got blasted by fire and as he burned up, his head cracked and burning remains were flying into the pits. The fire blow until the Cyber Leaders head was gone, exposing a human skull. Dalek Axe just watched as the Cyber Leader fell to his knees, the skull still staring at him, then a blue head with claw like nails grabbed the skull and ripped it off and the headless Cyber Leader was no more. Dalek Axe looked down at the body and looked back up to see a tall blue humanoid figure looking at him. Dalek and Creature stared at each other for a moment and then the creature spoke. "Aren't you going to thank me?" [Kali] "I could have taken him on myself." [DA] "You are a very ungrateful creature and not that, when your troops need you. You do not help them but instead
you abandon them and leave them to die." [Kali] "They are slow and weak, not quick and fast like me." [DA] "That lava Dalek was once one of yours until I saved him and made him into something special, like I did with another one." [Kali] Dalek Axe turned and saw the Gold Chief coming his way. "You are invading the world of the Deities. I am their humble servant." [GC] "TRAITOR! DALEKS ARE SERVANTS TO NO ONE! YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!" [DA] Dalek Axe took a shot at the Gold Chief who in return took a shot back. Dalek Axe turned his attention back to Kali and began to insult the Deity.
"You maybe taller and more threatening and capable of wiping out life, but you are still inferior when compared to the Daleks! EXTERMINATE!" [DA] Dalek Axe took a shot at the Deity, only to hit the necklace of skulls which fell off and smashed to pieces on the ground. Then he took another shot, this time at Kali herself. The force of the exterminating weapon did not kill her because being a Deity she is indestructible. [BIDG] It did however force her back a bit. There was a long silence and I mean quietness not the creature! [BIDG] The Gold Chief looked at Dalek Axe and the his remaining Daleks and they in return looked at the Gold Chief. The Gold Chief
pointed his gun Dalek Axe and was just about to say something else when Kali raised all six hands for silence, then she looked at Dalek Axe with a look of hatred. "You showed me what you are capable of and I am impressed, and now let me show you." [Kali] She stood back and snapped her fingers, the destroyed necklace of skulls reassembled itself. Then without moving her legs Kali glided across the lava, the Daleks just watched. She looked at the Daleks, then she banged her fist against a wall and then she disappeared like magic and so did the Gold Chief. The in tire cave began to shack violently.

Rocks fell from the roof and the cracks got even wider and the remains of Daleks and Cybermen fell into the lava. The Daleks tried to escape, but the lava blocked their way out. Soon the cave had turned into a volcano and the Daleks where on large chunk of rock, it was as if the Daleks had gone to hell. The Daleks began to panic. "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? WHAT! WHAT! WHAT!" [RG1] Luckily Dalek Axe had a plan. "Emergence temporal shift!" [DA] and the Daleks disappeared off the rock just in time.         

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